Tariff of Charges


Mortgage Advice Services

This page sets out the fee structure for QD Mortgage & Financial Services Limited in relation to our Mortgage Advice services. Advisers must ensure that they always adhere to this fee tariff.

Standard residential mortgages/Buy to Let/Bridging Finance

£498 Purchase (split as below)
£249 re-mortgage (payable on application)
£499 re-mortgage where loan is £50000 or below (split as below)

Where fees are charged the fee should be broken down and charged to the customer in accordance with the table below:

Amount When fee is payable
£0 Payable at outset
£249 On submission of mortgage application
£0 On receipt of formal mortgage offer from the lender
£249 Payable when mortgage completes. For purchase only, not re-mortgages where there is no completion fee apart from loans £50000 or below


Debt consolidation/adverse credit


Amount When fee is payable
£000 Payable at outset
£399 On submission of mortgage application
£000 On receipt of formal mortgage offer from the lender
£399 Payable when mortgage completes.


Equity Release


Amount When fee is payable
£000 Payable at outset
£000 On submission of mortgage application
£799 On receipt of formal mortgage offer from the lender
£0 Payable when mortgage completes


Product transfer

Where fees are charged the fee should be broken down and charged to the customer in accordance with the table below:

Amount When fee is payable
£000 Payable at outset
£000 On submission of mortgage application
£000 On receipt of formal mortgage offer from the lender
£000 Payable when mortgage completes
£199 Payable on application if the loan is less than £50000


Complex (e.g. Higher NW, Shared Ownership, Buy to Let Portfolio)

Amount When fee is payable
£000 Payable at outset
£299 On submission of mortgage application
£000 On receipt of formal mortgage offer from the lender
£299 Payable when mortgage completes (not payable if re-mortgage as opposed to purchase)


Procuration Fees & Refund Policy

The fees noted above are payable in addition to any procuration fee received from the lender.

Fee Waiver Policy

The fees noted above will be waived in the follow circumstances:

Family and Friends


Firms to list any occasions when their fees will be waived:

Note: Firms should specify types of case/customer where a fee will never be charged. For example: no charges for existing customers who undertake a Product Transfer.


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